Monday, May 4, 2020

Ethical Case Study Virtue Ethics Theory

Question: Discuss about theEthical Case Studyfor Virtue Ethics Theory. Answer: Introduction Ethics are very important in an organization as they maintain the image and reputation of the organization in the market. Ethics in the organization include ethical values, guidelines and beliefs that support the right decision making in the organization. Ethics in the organization have significant importance to be an accountable, ethical organization in the market. The area of ethics can be most conflicted in the organization when the human actions in the society are not good. Top develop and maintain the reputation of the organization, there must be the ethical values used by the management of any organization (Hartman Edwin, 2013). Virtue Ethics Theory Virtue ethics can be described as the development of character in an individual by focusing on their behavior and actions. Basically, virtue refers to the goodness, excellence and righteousness in a person. The virtue ethics theory can be simply defined as the theory to develop and establish the quality, character and virtues in the people. In the other words, the virtue ethics theory is the theory that governs the responsibilities and rules and highlights that there is the reason behind every action (Marilyn, 2009). This theory defines the character of a person rather than ethical rules. This theory is the difference between the result of consequentiality and deontology. There are basically three different views on ethics which focus on the problems rather than the conclusion (Chappell, 2006). For instance, whole evaluating the case of cheating, one person would say the cheating is wrong as it will give negative result but, a deontologist would say that it is the moral rule that is considered as just plain wrong regarding any situation. But virtue ethics describes that it is neither right nor wrong to cheat but it is the moral behavior of an individual in his inner characteristics. The ethics are the characters that are created to bring ethical. According to this theory, the general concept is the ethical virtues are that every person should behave with his or her with inward character rather than focusing on external environment (Bloomfield, 2014). If the character of a person is good then it must be reflected in his or her actions. The aim of this theory is to drive away the attention of individual from different opinions and place back the attention on his or her own quality and characteristics. The value ethics can be the excellent source of knowledge if the terms ethics, morals and values are clear. But it is the issue that some people are not clear about the nature of ethics, morals and values in the organization or in real life (Bailey, 2010). Importance in Rational Decision Making In this section, the case 4 has been taken for the discussion. This case is about a social media, Mybook which is posting fake news on the daily basis. Along with this, the fake news has also affected the reputation of political party which is going to take part in the recent elections. This is a problematic situation for the brand image of social media. Based on value ethics theory, this the cheating with the general public who is using this social media site for news updates. According to deontologist it is the moral rule that is considered as just plain wrong regarding any situation and according to the consequentiality, it is completely wrong. But, according to the virtue ethics theory, this is the cause of ethical character which the persons have in the social media company. To resolve this issue, the international blog can be updated to update the general audience so that they will be able to know the truth of the social site. Based on the integrity, fairness and honesty, the f ake news should be cleared in front of general public (Nicholas, 2016). Strengths and Weaknesses of Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics is basically focused on the moral goodness of the people. It suggests that the individual should on the personal character rather than actions. This theory has both strengths as well as weakness that should be understood by the people. Strengths Same like other theories, this theory examines the morals and values in the people. The theory focuses on the human relationships on high level. In this theory, human relations, emotions and responsibilities are very important. Other theories state that the human emotions are illogical but this theory supports the human emotions and relations. Along with this, this theory helps the agents to take ethical decisions in the organization. In the centre of morality, the theory always places virtues and character (Stephen Slote, 2013). Weakness According to Robert Louden, this theory is focused on the individual but it never focus to resolve the problems of big moral issues. The theory does not provide any solution related to ethical crisis. Along with this, this theory only focuses on the small number of traits but it ignores the big pictures of traits. Generally, the organization cannot be able to make decisions based on the individual virtues and traits. In the traits, the theory only focuses on the characteristics traits. Along with this, this theory cannot be applied universally (Stichter, 2011). Use of Virtue Ethics Theory in Personal and Professional Life Virtue ethics is the agent-based theory. This theory focuses on the character and motivations of an individual. The moral behavior is not connected to any rule or guideline and the individual should use their own characteristics rather than involving any rule or policy. This theory is very important for the decision making process in the personal life or professional area as it mainly focuses on the values, morals and character rather than focusing on duties or rules. The virtue ethics focuses on the integrity of the people which is very important for the good character of the person. This theory has the significant role in the decision making process wither in personal life or professional life. This is helpful to do ethical analysis of a person. There are some factors that can be analyzed in the decision making process regarding an individual (Daniel, 2008). Integrity is the second meaning of honesty and truthfulness. It is also the accuracy of the actions of a person. If a person show integrity in his or her work, then it would be very beneficial for an organization as well as the personal life of the person. The person should be trustworthy by his or actions. Same like the person, the organization should also be the trustworthy for the general public. If the person breaks the trust of others, then this action can affect his relationship with bothers. There should be honesty in the action of an individual as honesty is the base of trust. Person should not share the important information of the organization with the outsiders. Fairness is the other traits that should be in the individual. The actions of a person should be fair in the organization. He or she should use the information for the benefit of the organization, not for the benefit of their personal life. The last trait is self control and that should be in the actions of a person. This is very important for the characteristics of an individual (Slingerland, 2011). Conclusion Ethics in the organization have significant importance to be an accountable, ethical organization in the market and virtue refers to the goodness, excellence and righteousness in a person. The virtue ethics theory is very important for the decision making process in the personal life or professional area as it mainly focuses on the values, morals and character rather than focusing on duties or rules. With this, the value ethics is the excellent source of knowledge if the terms ethics, morals and values are clear. So, from the analysis of above specified traits, one can analyze the actions of another person. Thus, this theory is very important to take the decisions regarding the personal life and professional life. References Bailey, O. (2010). What Knowledge is Necessary for Virtue?: Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy. 4(2): 117 Bloomfield, P. (2014).The Virtues of Happiness: A Theory of the Good Life, New York: Oxford University Press Chappell, T., (2006).Values and Virtues. Oxford: Oxford University Press Daniel C., (2008). Agent-Based Virtue Ethics and the Fundamentality of Virtue:American Philosophical Quarterly. 45: 32948 Hartman Edwin. (2013). The Virtue Approach to Business Ethics. pp. 240264 Marilyn, F., (2009). Feminist Virtue Ethics, Happiness and Moral Luck. Hypatia, 24: 2940 Nicholas R., (2016). Right-Makers and the Targets of the Virtues,Journal of Value Inquiry Slingerland, E. (2011). The Situationist Critique and Early Confucian Virtue Ethics: Ethics. 121 (2): 390419 Stephen A. Slote, M., (2013).Virtue Ethics and Confucianism, New York: Routledge Stichter, M. (2011). Virtues, Skills, and Right Action: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 14: 7386.

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